Beyond coding

We build digital products that people love

Let Us Be Your Nearshore Technology Ally

Strategic Consulting
We specialize in building and optimizing digital services. Our focus is on solving tech challenges, monetization strategies, efficient workflows, and choosing the right technology to ensure long-term success.
MVP Design
Let our experts assist you in creating the most effective MVP for your product launch. We have extensive experience with market and competitive analysis, functional prototypes, UX/UI design, and development scope definitions.
Software Development
We have expertise in web and mobile applications, maintaining large complex systems, and migrating legacy systems to microservices-based architecture. Whether you need fixed cost or time and material, we can help.
Cloud Management
We understand the importance of a secure, reliable, and cost-effective cloud management solution. Our Devops team specializes in infrastructure as code, continuous integration & delivery, and 24/7 monitoring, to provide 99.9% uptime.
Challenges are just opportunities in disguise. Take the challenge!

Nearshore outsourcing

When you engage in nearshore outsourcing services, you want cost-effective IT skills with culturally similar teams working in your North American time zone. We deliver all you expect and then a level above with excellent communication skills.

How we works

Our Best Practices

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Design Sprint
The process that helps teams create meaningful, impactful designs in a short time frame. By focusing on rapid prototyping and feedback, it helps teams quickly achieve success.
UX-UI Best practices
Ensure a user-friendly experience by creating easy-to-navigate interfaces with intuitive design and visuals that provide an enjoyable experience.
Agile Methodology
Allows teams to collaborate and iterate quickly, adapting to changing customer requirements and delivering working products in short cycles.
Fully dockerized Environments
Fully dockerized environments provide a standardized way to package and run applications, making it easier to develop, test, and deploy. They also offer a layer of isolation to protect applications from interference.
Mono Repositories
Mono-repositories help teams maintain a single source of truth for all related projects and development artifacts, reducing duplication and enabling them to work more efficiently.
Test-Driven Development (TDD)
TDD is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle. It encourages the developer to write tests for every piece of code before writing the code itself, which helps ensure that the code works as expected.
Restful and GraphQL APIs
The approach to building applications as a suite of independent, loosely coupled, and modular services. Each service runs in its own process and communicates with other services through a lightweight mechanism such as an API
Micro-Services architecture
The approach to building applications as a suite of independent, loosely coupled, and modular services. Each service runs in its own process and communicates with other services through a lightweight mechanism such as an API
Automation Testing
the process of executing tests on a software application using specialized tools to simulate user actions and verify expected outcomes. It includes e2e, integration and unit testing to ensure the app is functioning correctly.
Continuous Integration and Delivery
CI/CD is a practice that enables developers to frequently commit their code to a shared repository and have it automatically tested and deployed to production. This helps reduce the time it takes to deliver valuable software to customers.
AWS Cloud Solutions
Provides a secure, reliable and scalable platform to host websites and applications. It offers a range of services, including storage, computing and networking, to help businesses reduce costs, increase efficiency and create a better customer experience.
Infrastructure as code
A process whereby infrastructure is managed and provisioned through code, rather than manual configuration. This allows for more consistent, reliable, and efficient deployment of applications and services.
24x7 Monitoring and Support
24x7 Monitoring and Support provides round-the-clock monitoring and assistance to ensure your system runs smoothly and securely. Our team is available to address any technical issues or provide advice and guidance whenever you need it.

Skills and expertise


heading tech

We run all kinds of IT services that vow your success